Sustainable Development Goals that we pursue
Global and local tasks
We are contributing to three UN's Sustainable Development Goals on a global and local levels
Global task 4.4
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs, entrepreneurship
Local task 4.5
Increase the prevalence of knowledge and skills required for decent jobs, entrepreneurship
Global task 16.3
Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
Local task 16.3
Increase confidence in courts and ensure equal access to justice
Global task 9.b
Support domestic technology development, research and innovation
Local task 9.13
Create institutional and financial opportunities for self-realization of the economically active population and the development of the creative economy
Our Mission
We create an innovative legal environment and accelerate the transformation of society on the path to freedom and justice
Our vision
We are the main provider for the development
of innovations in law and legal startups
Our values
Innovation and entrepreneurship
We keep in touch with the creators of the new legal world from New York to Shanghai. It allows us to share the world's best practices with you.

We work so that you can meet your needs for knowledge, justice, and solve legal problems more easily.
Justice, as well as cool service, should be invisible.
We are constantly evolving and changing to inspire others to improve. We combine different professions to open new professional horizons.
We cultivate sincerity, humanity, emotionality. First and foremost we are all human beings, so we treat everyone with respect, openness and impartiality.
This section was created with the support of ISAR Yednannya
Provided through the Civil Society Sectoral Support Initiative, funded by the sincere support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of ISAR Yednannya or the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

The strategic session and mentoring were conducted by Synergy Development Consulting.